In fact, just having a Bitcoin address and start earning Satoshis generated in a seamless way on the internet.


    The Bitcoin (BTC) is an electronic currency that does not have a physical existence (no banknotes, no coins), noaday it is comparable to other currencies like the dollar, euro, yen, etc.


    Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the unknown person or persons who designed bitcoin and created its original reference implementation.

Increase in the price of the bitcoin

  • Increase in the price of the bitcoin

+ 7.9% within 24 hours
+ 8.7% in one week
- 0.5% in one month
+ 569.5% in one year

Currently displaying around 4100 $ , the bitcoin seems to gradually regain the value lost at the beginning of the month following rumors and then announcements of closure of the main Chinese exchanges of crypto-currency.



Accenture has been awarded a patent tied to its work on an "editable blockchain."

First unveiled last year, the professional services firm sought to create a permissioned blockchain that would allow parties to alter data in the event of errors or fraud. It was a move that stoked criticism from some observers, including some who questioned why a distributed database would be needed if not for its tamper-resistant characteristics.

However, the full patent filing details how the system might work in practice. Depending on the circumstances, a secret that controls the key may be held by one or many parties. In some cases, multiple individuals could possess parts of a secret, meaning the whole group would have to sanction any access to the ledger.

When contacted for comment, David Treat, managing director in Accenture's blockchain practice, said that the firm's work as it relates to the editable blockchain concept has "[focused] on the challenge of how to 'fix things when they go wrong'," in order to help mature the technology.

He Said:

"This invention adds to that set of options, particularly for on-chain data structures, and we're excited about the patent approval. Our overall goal is to leverage DLT innovations to make the technology viable for enterprise IT use."

Treat said that the company is still in the development face, explaining that work continues to "enhance the prototype." He also floated the possibility of the company ultimately making the tech open-source.

"We have had strong industry interest and have had several requests to open-source the capability which we're considering," he said.

Source: Coindesk


The value of Bitcoin exceeds $ 4,000, and the Crypto market reaches $ 140 billion

The bitcoin price broke past $4,000 on Wednesday, headlining another generally-positive day for the crypto markets. Few cryptocurrencies made eye-catching movements, but most made moderate progress to extend the early-week market recovery. Altogether, the markets added another $4 billion, bringing their combined capitalization above the $140 billion threshold.

The total cryptocurrency market cap began the day at $136.1 billion. It spent most of the day on an incline, eventually reaching $141.8 billion at the time of writing. The crypto market cap has grown by about $10 billion since the start of the week, potentially indicating that traders are adjusting to the post-China bitcoinexchange ban environment.

Bitcoin Price Punches Through $4,000 :
Bitcoin headlined the market advance with a march past $4,000. The bitcoin price had been trading at this level a week ago but had succumbed to downward pressure leading into the weekend, eventually reaching a weekly low of $3,555 on September 22. However, it reversed course after reaching that mark and began to scale the charts once again. Wednesday morning, bitcoin broke through $4,000 and has continued to climb, bringing its present value to $4,074. This translates into a $67 billion market cap.

One factor influencing bitcoin’s continued climb is the continued development of Asian cryptocurrency infrastructure following China’s hostile stance toward order-book exchanges. Both South Korea and Japan are expected to fill the void left by Chinese bitcoin exchange giants such as OKCoin, Huobi, and BTCC. To that end, a popular Korean messaging platform has announced plans to create a major cryptocurrency exchange, while NXC–a Korean holding company for the $10 billion Japanese gaming firm Nexon–has just purchased a majority stake in Korbit, Korea’s second-largest bitcoin exchange.

Source: Cryptocoinsnews


How to earn $200,000 a year with only $100 on BitConnect

BitConnect is a community-driven crytpocurrency that allows for people to store their wealth in a decentralized currency. (CLICK HERE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT BITCONNECT)



There are many existing cyptocurrencies out there. This number is continuously increasing, as new cryptocurrencies are always being introduced. One relatively new coin that seems very interesting is the BitConnect. Its Initial Coin Offering was performed between 15th November, 2016 and 31st December, 2016, BitConnect, raising around 1000 Bitcoin in the process. BitConnect (BCC) seeks to empower people financially by providing decentralized value. But what is the basic info about BitConnect cryptocurrency and how does it aim to achieve this?

BitConnect is a community-driven crytpocurrency that allows for people to store their wealth in a decentralized currency. BitConnect is a peer-to-peer and open source cryptocurrency. This means that there are no third-party inclusions in transactions, as users can transact directly between themselves. Bitconnect looks to empower people financially with a return of investment of up to 120%.

There is a maximum coin supply of 28 million BitConnect (BCC). The already mined supply of BCC in markets right now stands at almost 7 million, according to the official BitConnect website . The market capitalization of the coin stands at 333 106 225. The coin maturity base of this cryptocurrency is 50 blocks. The block spacing time stands at 2 minutes. The BitConect cryptocurrency coin runs on a PoW/PoS algorithm. This algorithm ensures that the BitConnect network is a safe one. It secures against attack, as well as keeps everything decentralized. There is a quick block execution time, guaranteeing that transactions will be completed in no time. All the technical features of this crypto is well explained in its github code base.

BitConnect coins can be purchased either online or offline. It can be exchanged on cryptocurrency exchange websites that allow you trade on crypto for another. You need a BCC wallet in order to receive, send or store BCC. This wallet comes in two types: The web BCC wallet that is hosted on the web and the software BCC wallet which you install directly on your computer. The level of security in these two wallets is the same, according to the official BCC website. The software BCC wallet works on all popular platforms – Windows, Mac and Linux. Mining the BitConnect coin can either be done with the PoW or the PoS algorithm.

BitConnect has a well-defined roadmap for the year 2017. A BCC smartcard is one of the many products that the BCC community plans to launch soon. Mining and Stake Pool, in order to earn BCC rewards, is another goal of the community. BCC aims to complete the year by securing partnership with several merchants, so as to increase its reach. In truth, BitConnect is a cryptocurrency to look out for.

This article may interest you:



There are several ways through which you can earn through BitGames.io. The summary of some of these ways to earn has been mentioned below:  

  •  Sign up Bitgames.io:

By completing some easy steps, you can join Bitgames.io. As shown in the picture below, you have just to fill in the information and start earning Bitcoin.

  • Play Games:

This is the main way to earn Bitcoins. You have not need to do anything else than playing different games. This section has been divided into two different ways; free and premium. You can play free games once in an hour and money. There is no restriction for playing the game except you need to wait an hour until the next game active. The premium way required you to use your points but this removed the one-hour restriction which means that you can play it without playing any limitation.

  • Weekly Games:

 To give more chance to the users, the company is offering weekly game options to only limited users in which they will be able to pay games called Miner Mania and Miner Madness. You need to qualify for weekly games by earning maximum points each day. These games have more points as compare to the games you play on daily basis.The main difference between free and premium games is the commission you will earn. The premium games will allow you to earn more money as compare to free games except you need you deposit your money to activate them.  

  • Complete Tasks:

The other way to earn Bitcoins through Bitgames.io is to complete different tasks which are available on the website. There is no limit to complete the tasks. You can complete as many as tasks you want. The number of tasks depends on the user type. For example, if you are a free user then you will see fewer tasks to complete and earn Bitcoins then the one who is a premium use. Some of the tasks have been only available for the premium users. We suggest you upgrade your membership once you earned enough amounts of points which can be converted into Bitcoins.

  • Types of tasks:

The tasks which are available to complete comes in different verity. You can earn simply by completing interesting surveys, register to different websites and visit websites. Some offers allow you to earn more by sticking with the website for an assigned period. Remember that there are 200 offers available to complete. So, you have big chances to increase your income.  

Daily Bonus: Bitgames.io also award bonus on daily basis to its loyal users. To be a loyal user, you need to be in the leader board. This bonus is being given on daily basis which means that if you keep yourself in the list of the leader board, then you can earn extra money without doing anything.  
Referral: The referral program allows you to earn 10% on the earning of your referrals. The registration on the website is free. So, you can attract many users to increase your earning through the referral program.  



This famous wallet lets you receive and send bitcoin fluently, and safely. It is very easy to join and start your work. I will explain the steps to follow :

1- Enter to the site Coinbase.com

2- Click on Sign Up to access this page:

In the page sign up, you fill in the requested information and captcha, just as it is explained in the picture below

3- By clicking on "creat account", a page will tell you that you must confirm the registration by consulting your mailbox.

4- After confirming your registration, you can access the site by your email and password. Directly you enter to your dashboard

5- The "Account" section in the dashboard is the most important part for any user, and especially for those who want to earn BTC. In this window, you can generate a BTC address to put it in sites that offer you BTC. Likewise, you can use this address to bring your bitcoins from another wallet.

By clicking, you will have this sub window :

Click on Show Address, and you will get the address which is simple to copy:

After copying the address, you can give it for any site of earning to receive your giving Bitcoins. And as i already said, you can give it to an other user who want send you BTC. For those having websites, they can put this address on donate page to receive encouragements from visitors.

Our tutorial has ended, I'm here to answer all your questions. Let me know your opnions in the comments.


Like the Coinbase detailed in a previous article, the Coinpot also offers you the same services (receive and send bitcoins, convert the currency, ...). However, this wallet is characterized by the fact that it is recommended by several sites that earns you bitcoins; it is necessary then to have an account on Coinpot, next to that of coinbase of course, and Xapo if you are interested.

Registration on the site is easy as you will see, so we glance at the work on board on the site.

1- Enter to Coinpot.co wallet

2- Click on register to enter the registration page, and fill in the information as follows:

3- You will receive a message on your mailbox to confirm the registration.
After confirmation, you can access your dashboard which is presented as follows :

4- After click on "View bitcoin summary", you'll access to our subject of interest. The window where you can receive and send Bitcoins, Convert currency,... And the most important is how to generate BTC adress to give it to Sites offering Bitcoins.

5- For each transaction of receiving (obviously for sites of earning BTC), you will need your Bitcoins address. In this picture you will find the steps to follow:

6- You can also send Bitcoins to another user or (in most cases) to another wallet that you use as the primary (like Coinbase). You click on "withdraw" on the dashboard to have the sending window, below the explanatory image:

Our tutorial for COINPOT has come to an end, I will give you an appointment for another tutorial (always about how to earn BTC). I am ready to receive your questions, and I would like to know your opinions in the comments.



A well-known gold dealer based in London is now accepting bitcoin payments for its precious metal products.
The company, Sharps Pixley, announced on September 26 that it would begin accepting the cryptocurrency through a partnership with payments processor startup BitPay.

In statements, representatives from the firm framed the move as a way to offer wealthier clientele a way to invest in gold using their cryptocurrency holdings instead of fiat money.

"It is our view that many investors in Bitcoin would like the option of holding intrinsic value in a traditional safe haven asset like gold, and be able to switch across in a simple and cost effective way. That avenue is now open to them," said Ross Norman, the firm's chief executive.

The Sharps Pixley brand dates back to the 18th century, though it has changed hands several times over the decades, including a period during which Deutsche Bank had ownership. Its current owner, Degussa Goldhandel, opened a high-end showroom in London last year.

Since its inception, bitcoin has attracted significant interest among gold dealers (and their customers) - though some notable investors in the precious metal aren't so keen on cryptocurrency. Bitcoin's underlying technology, blockchain, is also being leveraged to create new kinds of gold trading systems, including one in development under the auspices of the U.K.'s Royal Mint.

Source: Coindesk



American TV network Showtime has been forced to remove code from two of its websites that secretly mined the privacy oriented cryptocurrency monero on visitors' computers, according to reports.

Gizmodo and The Register both indicate that two websites run by Showtime – the eponymous Showtime.com, as well as ShowtimeAnytime.com – had concealed code for CoinHive, a JavaScript-based monero miner. Originally intended as a way for websites to generate income without having to utilize ads, in this case the software appears to have been used to covertly draw upon the computing power of unsuspecting site visitors.

BleepingComputer, which covers cybersecurity topics, has detailed the inner workings of the situation. As the site highlights, it's not clear at this time who, exactly, inserted the code onto the Showtime websites. Neither is it certain how long the code was live on the Showtime sites. The code was spotted over the weekend and was removed by the firm Monday.

Thus far, Showtime hasn't commented publicly on the news, and a representative for the network declined to comment when contacted by many professional website.

The developments are notable given the public profile of Showtime, which is owned by U.S. media giant CBS Corporation. It also comes days after torrent website The Pirate Bay sparked criticism for (in this case, voluntarily) live-testing a JavaScript-based monero miner.

Source : CoinDesk



The Shanghai exchange platform BTCC, one of the largest in the country, has announced that it will no longer accept new users as of today and that it will cease its crypto-currency exchange operations in China on 30 September. However, it will continue his international activity, and ensure that its mining pool will not be affected. While the signs of a ban on the exchange of crypto-money in China are multiplying, the country's authorities haven't yet made an official announcement.


Nearly a decade ago, the blockchain and its currency, the bitcoin, burst into our organizations. This decentralized storage and information transmission technology, transparent and secure, offers a wide range of applications, particularly in the energy sector.

Traditional distribution networks, for example, historically designed in an univocal way, are difficult to support the multiplication of self-producers such as photovoltaic panels. In this situation, as in many facets of energy, between its extraction and its consumption, the use of the blockchain is likely to be interesting. "

Where? - In the offices of onepoint, 29 rue des sablons in Paris (plan).
When? - Wednesday, 27 September from 6 pm to 8.30 pm.
Program :
Vincent Rémon - OnePoint Expert

- What role can blockchain play in the energy sector?
François Sonnet - Co-founder of Solarcoin

- What legal consequences for blockchain?
Xavier Pican - Attorney at Osborne Clarke


Speaking before the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, the President of the European Central Bank said today that it was not in his power "to prohibit or regulate" digital currencies such as Bitcoin. Mario Draghi also considers that it is premature to consider these currencies as means of payment for the future. He said the ECB has not yet discussed their potential impact on the real economy.

It also advocates increasing cyber security in the field of financial technologies because "cyber-currencies generate cyber-risks".


To note in the collection "For Dummies - Digital Life", the release of "Bitcoin for Dummies":

"Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer technology that operates without a central authority. The management of transactions and the creation of bitcoins is supported collectively by the network. The Bitcoin is free and open. Its has a public conception; nobody controls Bitcoin or detain it, and all users can join.

Thanks to many of its unique properties, it makes possible promising uses that could not be covered by previous payment systems. It allows electronic payments with, for example, a smartphone, secure transactions by cryptography and fast and inexpensive cash transfers. "

 In summary :
- What is the bitcoin?
- Creat wallet
- Create a Bitcoin address
- Protect yourself from hackers and secure your bitcoins
- Transactions


Related to COINPOT, MOONBIT.CO.IN is a faucet where you can earn bitcoin. Every 5 minutes you can ask for satoshis, which are keeped automatically in your wallet. You can also give another wallet address, but for more rapidity is better to give Coinpot address (Here is tutoriel how to register in Coinpot).

Let's start our tutoriel to show you how to register in this faucet, and how to earn bitcoin.

1- First of all, here is the interface, you put your email of COINPOT, or another wallet address (it's better to use COINPOT !)

2- Respond to captcha:

3- Here is the dashboard where you claim satoshis, just click on "claim now":

4- Fill in the captcha to confirm your claiming:

5- You can also earn bitcoin by reffering freinds, you click on referral as shown below:

6- Copy your referral link and give it to your freinds and earn some satoshis:

That's all for MOON Bitcoin faucet, for more Bitcoin faucet (enter here). Have fun earning bitcoin, don't forget to leave feedbacks.


Bitfun.co is considered one of the best faucet that offers satoshis for free. By completing simple actions you can fill in your wallet. Here is the explanation to sign up this faucet, and how to earn satochis:

1- Firstly here is the interface of the site:

2- Fell in the information as the picture shows:

3- You'll receive an email to confirm your registration

4- You join the site again, and you sign in by your email and password. You pass  directly to the dashboard where you can pick up satohshis:

5- You just click on "claim now", a captcha appears for confirmation and then it's finished. (Congratulations satochis picked up)

6- You can only pick up new satoshis after the passage of a few minutes, as mentioned in the picture below:

7- Now passing in view the other sections of the site. Starting with your account on this faucet

Since the site is linked to the COINPOT, it will shows you the amount you have on this wallet; as well as each satochi picked up on Bitfun.co will be automatically added to your coinpot account.

8- Similarly, you can earn satoshis by reffering a friend, for this reason it's also simple.
From the account window, click on referrals:

A window will open to show you the number of your referrals, and displays your referral link. Similarly, it gives the webdesigner the ability to put ads banner, as shown in the red part of the image below:

So, our article has come to an end; I offer this page for more Faucet of satoshis (CLICK HERE). Have fun earning, and leave me feedbacks


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